Office Plant of The Week: Janet Craig Compacta

I am starting to get a little spring fever here. I bet most people in Chicago are. Especially today it’s sunny and close to 50 degrees. Ah, that ‘s Chicago in February and March and well pretty much the entire year, 15 degrees one day 50 the next. I love Chicago. Soon everything is going to start turning green outside and I can’t wait. But til then I wanted to introduce you to some plants that are great to bring the outside in. I’m going to share a new plant that thrives in your office environment every week.  Don’t have a green thumb? Well we do and we will take care of your office and lobby plants.

This weeks plant is the Dracaena Janet Craig Compacta. This is one of my favorite plants. It has a sleek leafy look with a deep green color that compliments any office. This plant is great in medium lighted areas.

These are also not prone to many pests. Their clean look can remain for quite a long time as the grow pretty slow. Just like any other green plant sometimes we have to remove the lower leaves which give it more of a stalky look with a poof on top.

If you’d like some of these in your office space in Chicago and it’s neighboring suburbs please contact us, we’d love to help you Green your space!


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